Unlock the Music Within

Micah Blake

What if someone could tell you exactly what “You” should do to learn an instrument?

You Can Learn

Get Inspired

It’s hard not to walk away from hearing Micah speak without feeling inspired about learning music.

When you hear him speak you can’t help but feel inspired to follow that dream you had. You know the one that slowly started to fade as you grew up and learned you weren’t talented enough. Learn to believe again in yourself and see those limiting beliefs fly away as you start to see the simple path to accomplishing your musical goals.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is. If you want to learn music this is your time to start. In his latest book Micah shows people that they can learn music no matter what their talent is or their past experience. It shows them how to create the mindset to learn any instrument, in ways they never thought possible.

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People describe his teaching as:

  • Informative

  • Amazing

  • Valuable

  • Clear

  • Intriguing

  • Amazing

About Micah,

If you want to learn something then you should go out and learn it. Life is to short to waste your time on what everyone wants you to do.

That is the mindset that led Micah to where he is. He started learning piano at 10 and now plays over five instruments. Creator is probably the best title to stick on him if he must have one. He plays around with video, photography, art, music, house hacking, homesteading, writing, and that’s just scratching the surface.

If you want some inspiration to create something new he is the person to talk to.

  Micah has played music for over 20 years and played for audiences of over 5000 people. He has a broad understanding of music and instruments being able to play over 5 different instruments. He has worked with hundreds of people one on one and has had almost 50,000 students work through his online classes. It’s the understanding of music theory and the practical work he has done with so many people that has allowed him to create a unique learning experience that is helping an ever increasing amount of people learn music in a way never seen before.

Belief #1 “What you say to yourself is far more important than what anyone else will say to you.”

Belief #1 “What you say to yourself is far more important than what anyone else will say to you.”

Belief #2 “Anyone who has a desire to learn something can learn it.”

Belief #2 “Anyone who has a desire to learn something can learn it.”

Belief #6 “How long it takes is an illusion. There is no end to exploring music unless you decide to stop.”

Belief #6 “How long it takes is an illusion. There is no end to exploring music unless you decide to stop.”